Different Elements to a Blouse

Mar 26, 2022


A blouse has been the standard part of attire since time immemorial. While the fabrics, styles and other elements have metamorphized over time, a look back at history with indicate how styles have repeated themselves. It will also show that change is the only constant.

A blouse also complements the wearer and the saree in a deep sense of the term. The below are some of the main elements of a blouse. All of them can be combined in innumerable ways to achieve an excellent design and fit to help add glamour and up the style quotient.

They are

1)      Front neckline

2)      Back neckline

3)      Sleeves style

4)      Sleeve length

5)      Length of the blouse

6)      Padding

7)      Lining

8)      Patterns of cut

9)      Opening

10)   Embellishments

Each of them are a separate topic in themselves and a veritable book can be written. They will be handled as separate topics in individual blogs.

Some other important associated factors are

Material and colour

The material and colour of the blouse is important and must suit your skin tone, occasion and body needs. Whether a traditional wedding or a themed party, you can add the dose of style just by choosing good materials.


Yes. Fit is the most important in a blouse. Ill-fitting blouses are an irritation and hence, care must be taken when you give your blouse material for stitching.

About Fabloon

Fabloon Boutique (https://www.fabloonboutique.com/) is the best bridal blouse tailor in Chennai and embroidery blouse stitching Chennai. We are the leading mom and daughter twinning shop in Chennai and have excellent designs for all occasions. We are also a top tailor offering pattu blouse designs. Fabloon online is our gateway to help our Indian and global clientele interact with us.

If you have any project or ideas, please feel free to contact us!

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Online tailorLadies tailorLadies boutiqueOnline tailoring services in chennaiWomens tailoring.Online tailoring serviceOnline tailoringMother and daughter dresses

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